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Recreational Therapist:
Katherine Cunningham, M.S. ABA
35 years specializing in equine rehabilitation. Assisted in foster programs of abused equines at Marin Humane Society in CA. Conducted therapy riding in FL and VA working with Spectrum/ ADD adolescents. Today, Kat continues to work with local equine enthusiasts in Central NJ. Building connections through ABA methodology.
About Us
After years of soul riding and training abused equines, I decided to dedicate myself to educating fellow future horse enthusiasts with the wisdom horses have taught me to include self healing through equine assisted therapies.
Palmriders is about experience, and HORSE SENSE. What that means is a general philosophy of practical horsemanship married to natural methodology that mirrors real world applications. As an educator and therapist, I have come across many disciplines when it comes to horsemanship and what I have come to find is a general awareness of the equine Soulrider experience. Palmriders is about that experience and the healing bond between rider and horse. I teach by keeping things fresh and drama free. Clients learn to reconnect and center their core with balancing techniques from the horse's perspective. At Palmriders we keep it natural, the mood is lite and we employ tons of fun. Come visit us in Lebanon, NJ or visit our Articles page for more insightful resource information.
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